
What is this place?

Because the #preset-sharing channel in the Dalamud/XIVLauncher Discord can get a bit messy sometimes, I have decided to make a simple theme browser specifically for Umbra so you can see all the available themes at a quick glance.

How do I use these wonderful creations?

First of all you'll want to make sure you have both Dalamud as well as the Umbra plugin installed on Final Fantasy XIV. Once you're in the Umbra settings, go over to Appearance and then in there you can your selected theme. On each theme page there will be a long string of characters in a box, these are the import codes you can use.

I have a theme that's not on the site or in the #preset-sharing channel that I wish to share.

You can file a submission on the issues page on my GitHub. Make sure you fill in everything correctly so it can be properly added.